7 Mistakes New Linux Users Make

Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system that offers a wealth of benefits, including increased security, flexibility, and customization.

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Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system that offers a wealth of benefits, including increased security, flexibility, and customization. As more and more users make the switch to Linux, they often encounter challenges and make mistakes as they navigate this new environment. In this article, we will discuss some common mistakes new Linux users make and offer tips for avoiding these pitfalls, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable Linux experience.

Treating Linux like Windows or macOS

Linux, with its distinct philosophy and design, differs significantly from Windows and macOS. Attempting to apply your previous experience with these operating systems directly to Linux may lead to confusion and frustration. To successfully adapt to the Linux platform, it’s essential to embrace the differences and explore the unique aspects of the Linux ecosystem. Here are some key areas to focus on as you familiarize yourself with Linux:

  • Diverse desktop environments: Unlike Windows and macOS, Linux offers a wide variety of desktop environments, each with its unique look, feel, and functionality. Popular options include GNOME, KDE Plasma, XFCE, and MATE. Experiment with different desktop environments to find the one that best suits your preferences and workflow.
  • Linux file system structure: Linux adheres to the Unix file system structure, which differs from Windows and macOS. In Linux, the file system is organized in a hierarchical tree structure, with the root (“/”) directory at the top. Understanding essential directories like /home, /etc, /var, and /usr will help you navigate and manage your Linux system more effectively.
  • Repositories and package management: Linux distributions rely on repositories, which are central storage locations for software packages. Package managers handle software installation, updates, and dependency resolution, ensuring system compatibility and stability. Familiarize yourself with the package manager used by your distribution (e.g., apt, pacman, or DNF) and learn how to use repositories to install and update software.
  • Command line proficiency: The command line, or terminal, is a powerful tool in Linux that allows you to perform tasks more efficiently than using a graphical interface. Becoming proficient in basic commands and understanding the Linux shell (e.g., Bash) will help you unlock the full potential of your Linux system.
  • Permissions and file ownership: Linux uses a robust permissions system to control access to files and directories. Understanding the concepts of users, groups, and file permissions (read, write, and execute) is crucial for managing access and ensuring system security.
  • System configuration and customization: Linux is known for its flexibility and customizability. Familiarize yourself with configuration files, system services, and startup scripts to tailor your system to your needs. Keep in mind that changes to system settings should be made cautiously, as improper modifications can lead to instability or security risks.
  • Open-source software: Linux is built on the principles of open-source software development. As a Linux user, you’ll encounter a wide array of open-source applications and tools. Embrace the open-source community and consider contributing to projects, whether through code, documentation, testing, or bug reporting.

By embracing the differences between Linux and other operating systems and investing time in learning about its unique aspects, you’ll be better equipped to adapt to the Linux platform. This understanding will enable you to make the most of your Linux system, while also fostering a deeper appreciation for the flexibility, customization, and power that Linux offers.

Skipping the documentation

Linux distributions are renowned for their comprehensive documentation, which covers a wide range of topics, from basic usage to advanced system administration. Overlooking these valuable resources may lead to unnecessary challenges and wasted time while attempting to resolve issues that have already been well-documented. To optimize your Linux experience and develop a deeper understanding of your system, consult official documentation and community resources.

  • Start with official documentation: Each Linux distribution typically provides an official manual, wiki, or knowledge base, which includes detailed information about installation, configuration, and usage. Familiarize yourself with these resources to learn about your system’s features, best practices, and recommended solutions to common problems.
  • Explore man pages: The man (manual) pages are an essential part of Linux documentation, providing in-depth information on various commands, tools, and configuration files. To access a man page, type man followed by the command or file name in the terminal. Man pages can help you understand the functionality and options available for specific commands, enabling you to use them more effectively.
  • Consult distribution-specific forums and mailing lists: Join forums, mailing lists, or chat platforms dedicated to your specific distribution. These community resources can provide valuable advice, troubleshooting tips, and user experiences that can help you overcome challenges and enhance your knowledge. Remember to search for existing solutions before posting a question, as many common issues have already been discussed and resolved.
  • Follow blogs and YouTube channels: Many experienced Linux users share their knowledge and insights through blogs, YouTube channels, or podcasts. These resources often cover a wide range of topics, from beginner-friendly tutorials to in-depth technical discussions. Subscribing to these channels can help you stay informed about the latest developments, tips, and best practices in the Linux world.
  • Attend Linux conferences or meetups: Engaging with the Linux community through conferences or local meetups can provide opportunities to learn from experienced users, participate in hands-on workshops, and network with other Linux enthusiasts. These events often feature presentations and discussions on various topics, such as system administration, security, and open-source software development.
  • Engage in open-source projects: Contributing to open-source projects related to your distribution or favorite software can be an excellent way to learn more about Linux, improve your technical skills, and give back to the community. You can contribute in various ways, including coding, documentation, translation, testing, and bug reporting.

By actively engaging with Linux documentation and community resources, you can deepen your understanding of your system, learn best practices, and develop the skills necessary to use and maintain your Linux environment effectively. These resources can also help you build connections within the Linux community, fostering collaboration and the sharing of knowledge.

Not creating backups

Data loss or system failures can occur unexpectedly, and no operating system is immune to such incidents. Neglecting regular backups can jeopardize your data and configurations, potentially causing you to start over if disaster strikes. To safeguard your valuable information and ensure a smooth recovery process, follow these guidelines for setting up a comprehensive backup strategy on your Linux system:

  • Establish a regular backup schedule: Determine a suitable backup frequency based on your needs and the importance of your data. For instance, you may choose to perform daily backups for critical files and weekly backups for less important data. Establishing a regular schedule helps ensure that your data remains protected and up-to-date.
  • Choose the right backup tool: Linux offers various backup tools tailored to different needs and preferences. Popular choices include rsync, a powerful command-line tool for incremental file transfers; Timeshift, a user-friendly utility for creating system snapshots; and Deja Dup, a simple, graphical backup tool that integrates with GNOME. Evaluate the available options and select the tool that best suits your requirements.
  • Backup both data and configurations: In addition to your personal files, remember to back up important configuration files and system settings. This will make it easier to restore your system to its previous state in case of a failure.
  • Use multiple backup destinations: Store your backups on external drives, remote servers, or cloud storage services to ensure their safety. Keeping multiple copies of your data in separate locations helps protect against hardware failures, natural disasters, and other threats that could compromise your backups.
  • Encrypt your backups: To safeguard your privacy and prevent unauthorized access to your data, consider encrypting your backups. Many backup tools, like Deja Dup, provide built-in encryption options. You can also use tools like dm-crypt or LUKS for additional encryption options.
  • Test your backups: Regularly test your backups to confirm that they can be successfully restored. This step is crucial in detecting any issues with your backup process and ensuring that your data is recoverable in case of an emergency.
  • Use version control systems: For documents and code, consider using version control systems like Git. These tools allow you to track changes, collaborate with others, and easily revert to previous versions if needed. Version control systems can complement your backup strategy by providing additional control and visibility into your data’s history.

By implementing a robust backup strategy and utilizing the appropriate tools, you can protect your data and configurations from loss or damage. This proactive approach ensures that you are prepared for any unforeseen incidents and can recover your Linux system with minimal disruption.

Using the root account unnecessarily

The root account in Linux, also known as the superuser, possesses unlimited privileges, enabling it to access and modify any system file or process. While this powerful access is necessary for certain system administration tasks, it can also be hazardous in the hands of inexperienced users or when used excessively. Unintentional modification or deletion of critical system files could result in an unstable or unbootable system. To minimize these risks and promote good security habits, it’s essential to follow the principle of least privilege.

  • Use a regular user account for daily tasks: Instead of using the root account for everyday activities like web browsing, document editing, or multimedia playback, create and use a regular user account with limited privileges. This restricted access prevents accidental tampering with essential system files and helps maintain system stability.
  • Use sudo or su for administrative tasks: When you need to perform system administration tasks that require elevated privileges, use the sudo or su command to temporarily obtain root access. The sudo command allows you to execute a single command with root privileges, while the su command switches to the root user for an entire session. Use these commands judiciously and only when necessary.
  • Configure sudo for specific users: To further limit the scope of root access, configure the sudoers file to grant specific users the ability to run only certain commands with root privileges. This targeted approach reduces the likelihood of unintentional damage to the system and enhances overall security.
  • Use command aliases and tab completion: To minimize the risk of making mistakes when running commands with root privileges, use command aliases and tab completion. These features can help you avoid typos and ensure that you execute the intended command correctly.
  • Review commands before executing: Before running a command with root privileges, double-check it to ensure its accuracy. This practice can help you catch potential errors and avoid unintended consequences.
  • Keep a record of administrative actions: Document any changes you make to your system, especially when using root or sudo. Keeping a record of your actions can help you identify the cause of any issues that arise and potentially aid in troubleshooting and recovery efforts.
  • Educate yourself on best practices: Continuously learn about Linux system administration and security best practices. Familiarize yourself with the purpose and implications of various system files, commands, and configuration settings to minimize the risk of making harmful mistakes.

By adopting the principle of least privilege and using root access only when necessary, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidental damage to your system and develop good security habits that will serve you well in maintaining a stable and secure Linux environment.

Mixing package managers and sources

Each Linux distribution has its package management system, which streamlines software installation, updates, and dependency resolution. Package managers ensure that the software on your system is compatible, up-to-date, and properly configured. However, mixing package managers, installing software from untrusted sources, or bypassing the package manager can lead to various issues. Here are some expanded guidelines to help you avoid these problems:

  • Stick to your distribution’s official package manager: Use the package manager specifically designed for your distribution (e.g., apt for Debian-based systems, pacman for Arch-based systems, or DNF for Fedora). These package managers are tailored to work seamlessly with the distribution’s software repositories and handle dependencies, updates, and configurations efficiently.
  • Use official repositories: Official repositories are curated and maintained by the distribution’s maintainers and are generally the most reliable source of software. They contain packages that have been tested and deemed compatible with your distribution. Using official repositories minimizes the risk of dependency issues, broken packages, and security vulnerabilities.
  • Be cautious with third-party repositories: While third-party repositories can offer additional software and features not found in the official repositories, they may also introduce compatibility issues or security risks. Only add third-party repositories from trusted sources, and ensure they are specifically designed for your distribution. Verify the repository’s authenticity and read reviews from other users before adding it to your system.
  • Avoid installing software from unknown sources: Manually downloading and installing software from unknown sources or using scripts that bypass your package manager can compromise your system’s security and stability. These methods can introduce dependency conflicts, break existing packages, or expose your system to security threats. Stick to using your package manager whenever possible and only resort to manual installation when absolutely necessary and from trusted sources.
  • Be cautious with PPAs (Personal Package Archives): For Ubuntu-based distributions, PPAs are a popular way to install software that may not be available in the official repositories. However, PPAs are user-maintained and can introduce compatibility issues or security risks. Only use PPAs from reputable sources and remove them when they are no longer needed.
  • Keep your system clean: Regularly remove unused or outdated software using your package manager. This helps maintain system stability and ensures that you are running the most up-to-date, secure versions of your software. Most package managers have commands for removing packages and their associated dependencies, such as sudo apt autoremove for Debian-based systems.

By following these guidelines and using your distribution’s package management system effectively, you can maintain a stable, secure, and efficient Linux environment while minimizing the risks associated with dependency issues, broken packages, and security vulnerabilities.

Neglecting updates and security

]Keeping your Linux system up-to-date is crucial for maintaining its security and stability. Outdated software can contain known vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit, putting your system at risk. To minimize these risks, it’s essential to regularly update your system and follow best practices for security hygiene.

  • Regularly update your system: Use your distribution’s package manager (e.g., apt for Debian-based systems, pacman for Arch-based systems, or DNF for Fedora) to check for and install updates regularly. Most package managers offer commands for updating the system, such as sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade for Debian-based systems. Make a habit of running these commands frequently to ensure that your system and its software remain up-to-date.
  • Enable automatic security updates: Some distributions offer automatic security updates, which can help you stay protected from newly discovered threats without manual intervention. Check your distribution’s documentation for instructions on enabling automatic updates if they are available.
  • Use a firewall: A firewall helps protect your system by controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined rules. The Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) is a popular, user-friendly firewall for Linux systems. Install and configure ufw or another firewall solution to add an extra layer of security to your system.
  • Strong, unique passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for each user account on your system, including the root account. A strong password should contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information such as names, birthdates, or common words. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong passwords securely.
  • Secure remote access: If you need to access your system remotely, use secure methods such as SSH (Secure Shell) with key-based authentication and disable password-based logins. Additionally, consider using a non-standard port and configuring a tool like fail2ban to protect against brute-force attacks.
  • Keep an eye on system logs: Regularly review system logs for suspicious activity or signs of intrusion. Tools like logwatch can help you analyze logs and receive summaries via email. Staying vigilant and proactive in monitoring your system can help you detect and mitigate potential security issues.
  • Stay informed about security issues: Subscribe to security mailing lists or follow security-related blogs and forums relevant to your distribution. This will help you stay informed about new vulnerabilities, security updates, and best practices for securing your system.

While Linux is generally considered more secure than other operating systems, no system is completely immune to security threats. Following these best practices and maintaining user vigilance can significantly reduce your risk and help you maintain a secure and stable Linux environment.

Not seeking help when needed

The Linux community is vast, diverse, and generally welcoming to newcomers. However, some new Linux users may feel hesitant to ask for help or may not know where to find assistance. Remember that everyone starts as a beginner, and asking for help is a normal part of the learning process. Reach out to Linux forums, mailing lists, or social media platforms when you encounter problems or need guidance. Be respectful, provide clear information about your issue, and always search for existing solutions before asking for help. Being patient and open to learning from others can greatly enhance your Linux experience and help you overcome challenges more effectively.

When seeking help, follow these guidelines to ensure a positive interaction with the community:

  • Do your research first: Before posting a question, search for existing answers or solutions to your problem. This not only saves time for you and the community but also helps you learn more about your system and its quirks.
  • Be specific and concise: When describing your issue, provide as much relevant information as possible, including your distribution, desktop environment, and any error messages you’ve encountered. This helps others understand your problem better and provide more accurate solutions.
  • Be patient and polite: Understand that the people helping you are volunteers who are taking their time to assist you. Show gratitude for their help and be patient while waiting for a response.
  • Follow up with results: If someone’s suggestion helped you solve your issue, let them know and thank them for their assistance. This not only shows appreciation but also helps others with similar problems find working solutions.

By actively participating in the Linux community and seeking help when needed, you can accelerate your learning and become a more proficient Linux user. Over time, you may even find yourself contributing to the community by helping other newcomers, thus continuing the cycle of knowledge sharing and collaboration that makes the Linux ecosystem so vibrant and resilient.


Transitioning to Linux can be both exciting and challenging. By being aware of these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, new Linux users can more easily navigate the Linux ecosystem, ultimately reaping the benefits of this powerful and flexible operating system. With patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn, you’ll soon become a confident and proficient Linux user.

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Are all the parts soldered to the motherboard?

In many modern laptops, especially thin and light models (like Apple’s MacBook Air or Pro, Dell’s XPS 13, or many of Lenovo’s ThinkPad X1 Carbon models), the memory, storage, battery, and wireless module are often soldered directly onto the motherboard.

However, as part of our commitment to the Right to Repair Movement, the memory, storage, battery, and wireless module on all MALIBAL laptops are user-upgradeable or user-replaceable.

Can your laptops be charged or powered via USB-C?

All MALIBAL laptops can be powered via the Thunderbolt 4 port.

How do I track my order after it ships?​
You can view your tracking status via the order details page in your account.
How do I get a quote?

If you need a quote for any reason, e.g., to submit to accounting for approval, before ordering, simply add the laptop(s) you want to purchase to the Cart, then click Checkout, and on the checkout page, click Convert Cart to Quote. We will email you a PDF of the quote with a link to make payment once you are ready to complete the order.

How do I cancel an order?

You may cancel an order any time up until it ships. After it ships, you will not be able to cancel it, but will instead have to use our return policy in order to return the laptop for a refund. To cancel an order, simply open a sales ticket or sales chat and give the representative your order information, and they will cancel the order for you and send you confirmation via email and text.

How do I make a change to my order?

You may make changes to your order up until it ships. To modify an order, simply open a sales ticket or sales chat and give the representative your order information and specify which changes you want to make.

When is my order shipping?

If all parts are in stock, the average build time for laptops is 5-7 business days. This means laptops will ship 5-7 business days after the order is placed. If a component is backordered, it will say which parts are backordered in your order confirmation email.

To see the estimated delivery date of your laptop, please check your order confirmation email for the Estimated Delivery Date. You can also see this information on your My Account > Order Details page. The estimated delivery date is the build time (plus backorder delay, if applicable) plus the shipping time.

Once your laptop ships out, we will email you the tracking information. An adult will need to be at the address to sign for the package when it arrives.