How to Generate Secure Passwords on Linux
Table of Contents
Creating secure passwords is a crucial aspect of online security. With the increase in cyber threats and data breaches, having a strong password is more important than ever. In this guide, we will show you how to generate secure passwords on Linux using various tools.
Using PWgen
Pwgen is a command-line utility used to generate random passwords that are secure and difficult to guess. It’s available on many Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, and can be used to generate passwords of various lengths and complexity.
Step 1: Open Terminal
Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard or by searching for it in the applications menu.
Step 2: Install PWgen
On Debian/Ubuntu-based distros, run:
sudo apt install pwgen
On Fedora/RPM-based distros, run:
sudo dnf install pwgen
On Arch-based distros, run:
sudo pacman -S pwgen
Step 3: Generate Password
Once the PWgen package is installed, you can generate a password by running:
pwgen -sy 16 1
This command generates a 16-character password with symbols and numbers. You can change the length of the password by modifying the number after 16, and you can remove symbols by removing the –s flag.
Using OpenSSL
OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols used to encrypt data on the internet. It’s commonly used by web servers to secure connections with clients, and also provides a suite of cryptographic functions.
Step 1: Open Terminal
Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard or by searching for it in the applications menu.
Step 2: Install OpenSSL
On Debian/Ubuntu-based distros, run:
sudo apt install openssl
On Fedora/RPM-based distros, run:
sudo dnf install openssl
On Arch-based distros, run:
sudo pacman -S openssl
Step 3: Generate Password
Once the OpenSSL package is installed, you can generate a password by running:
openssl rand -base64 16
This command generates a 16-character password using base64 encoding. You can change the length of the password by modifying the number after -base64.
Using APG
APG (Automated Password Generator) is a free, open-source command-line password generator tool for Unix-like systems, including Linux. It’s designed to create random and secure passwords that can be used for various applications, including website accounts, system logins, and encryption keys.
Step 1: Open Terminal
Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard or by searching for it in the applications menu.
Step 2: Install APG
On Debian/Ubuntu-based distros, run:
sudo apt install apg
On Fedora/RPM-based distros, run:
sudo dnf install apg
On Arch-based distros, run:
sudo pacman -S apg
Step 3: Generate Password
Once the APG package is installed, you can generate a password using the following command:
apg -n 1 -m 16 -x 16 -M SNCL
This command generates a 16-character password with symbols, numbers, lowercase, and uppercase letters. You can change the length of the password by modifying the number after -m and -x.
In conclusion, generating secure passwords on Linux is easy using various tools like PWgen, OpenSSL, and APG. Remember to use a password manager to store your passwords securely and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your online accounts are secure and protected from cyber threats.